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Mastering the Art of the Ask: Why You Need to A-S-K for Sales Success

Let's be real here, folks. We've all been there – sweaty palms, heart racing, and a voice in our head screaming, "Don't ask! Don't ask!" But here's the cold, hard truth: if you don't A-S-K for the sale, you'll never G-E-T.  It’s as simple as that.

I was recently at a Sales Boot Camp with one of our clients, and you know what we spent most of our time discussing?  The importance of just putting it out there and asking for that sweet, sweet sale. Another one of our clients had an “aha” moment during a coaching call when she realized that last year, she might have missed out on some golden opportunities simply because she didn’t have the guts to pop the question.

The Trial Close

So, what’s the solution, you ask? We’re bringing in the big guns—tools and techniques—to help our clients master  this crucial step of their sales process. One of our favorites? The “Trial Close.” The Trial Close is like dipping your toes in the water to see if it’s time to dive in headfirst. It’s not just about blurting out, “Give me your money, please!” Instead, picture this ask: “We’ve got June 19-20 available for your sales meeting. Should I lock those dates in for you?” 

If they’re all in and say, “Yes, please hold those dates,” you’ve hit the jackpot. They’re serious about making moves and are probably feeling pretty confident about securing the budget. If they pump the brakes with a “no, not at this time,” that’s your cue to dig a bit deeper and ask a few more questions.

Be Confident

Here’s the bottom line: Be confident. You’ve got something they need, so give them the green light to buy it! You’ve totally got this.

Now, I know what you might be thinking—asking for the sale can feel about as natural as wearing socks with sandals. But trust me, it’s a skill worth polishing. And guess what? You don’t have to sound like a cheesy used car salesperson to do it.

Imagine this: You’ve just finished showcasing your awesome product or service. You’ve dazzled them with the benefits and answered their burning questions. Now it’s time to seal the deal. Instead of nervously drumming your fingers, muster up that confidence and pop the question: "Are you ready to move forward with this?" 

Be Proactive

It’s not about being pushy; it’s about being proactive. You’re helping them make a decision that could potentially change their life!  Or at least their business. And guess what? More often than not, they’ll appreciate your straightforwardness. You’re not asking for a kidney donation here; you’re offering something valuable that can genuinely benefit them. Take a deep breath and go for it!

Now, I get it—some of us aren’t born with the gift of gab. But that’s where the Trial Close swoops in to save the day. It’s like a gentle nudge rather than a full-blown leap. The next time you’re wrapping up a killer presentation, throw in a Trial Close. “How does this sound for your needs?” or “Can you see how this would benefit your team?” It’s a subtle way to gauge their interest and pave the way for that crucial ask.

Embrace the A-S-K

Remember, the worst they can say is “not right now.” And hey, that’s okay! It’s all part of the dance. You’ll walk away with valuable insights and perhaps a clearer path forward to address any concerns or objections

So, to all my fellow sales warriors out there—embrace the A-S-K. Own it! You’ve got the goods, now make sure they know it. Happy selling!

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